Random Thoughts that are too big for 140 character Tweets
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Album 156: The Band
Advent Avatar
One day late, I've decided to do something for Advent. Of course, it's weird being an
atheist doing anything vaguely associated with the coming of The Christ; but if Christians can recycle the germanic fertility festival of Eostre as a celebration of resurrection - why not?

Thursday, 3 November 2011
Album 767: Tuesday Night Music Club
When I first heard All I Wanna Do I was irritated by how a fairly decent piece of slide guitar was ruined by Ms Crow whining about how 'everyone around here is boring, doesn't anyone wanna part-ay??'.
The album from which it came from continues in much the same vein. Decent musicianship and production covered by a drawl that, in varying degrees of unintelligibility, says nothing to me about my life. She could easily have been a candidate on American Idol.
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Album 491: Kilimanjaro
Fairly standard early 80s English new wave, frequently marred by a nasty horn section. When they lose the horns, such as in Treason, they're ok; but no Echo and the Bunneymen.
Album 222: a coat of many colours
Considering I never wanted to listen to this album, it could have been worse. Predictable but inoffensive.
Dolly Parton: A coat of many colours
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Album 784: Music for the Jilted Generation
Who needs hallucinogenics when you have Liam Howlett?
Album 791: Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness
Album 376: Rattus Norvegicus
Album 511: Nebraska
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
What's this #1001albumchallenge thingy?
Just an update for those who are curious and confused about these "Album XX" posts: I'm currently doing a 1001 album challenge - that is I'm listening to each album on a "1001 albums you must listen to before you die" list, posting a tiny review and a score out of 10.
It seemed a good idea at a time.
Album 87: Forever changes
Whilst this is musically foreign territory, I can imagine the initial song Alone again or being rediscovered in a cult firm just as Caught in the Middle with You and Miserlou were by Tarrantino. The rest of the songs are lacking by comparison, but are passable.
Love: Forever changes
Album 800: A Northern Soul
For all it's epic grandeur, this is a tedious album. What should be majestic ends up cacophonous. The Verve went on to do some better songs with their next album, but here it just comes across at an attempt to swagger an imitation of being The Doors.
The Verve - A northern soul
Monday, 24 October 2011
Album 13: Kenya
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Album 656: Doolittle
Album 941: Melody AM
Album 871: Celebrity Skin
Album 665: En-tact
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Album 886: The man who
Music to overdose to. Whilst drowning. Maybe let's throw in some fatal injury that you're slowly bleeding to death from. Certainly there's no energy to do anything to avoid an eternity in spirit-crushing limbo or speed an exit from a world that is so tired of people complaining about the rain.
I like melancholy. This is something beyond, something damp.
Thank the maker this is their only album on this list, now cheering myself up by listening to Joy Division.
Travis - The Man Who
Album 251: Transformer
Another album that would be lost in the loft because of the tedious mucking about with CDs in the digital age. An album I mostly love, particularly as Walk on the wild side is so much better here than in clips and covers since. Not every song hits the mark, but most are precious stars.
Lou Reed – Transformer
Album 928: Our Aim is to Satisfy
While they sound nothing like them, this act reminds me of the KLF. Beautifuly strange, frequently instrumental, noticeably influenced by the previous 5 years of underground music (rave in KLF's case, urban in Red Snapper's). Not as far out electronica as say, Lemon Jelly, but still marvelous.
Red Snapper – Our Aim is to Satisfy
Album 528: War
A U2 where they were still learning how to be an American Sell-out act, before the excess of Zooropa or the financial hypocrisy that has soured Bono's third world ambitions. The songs are good, New Year's Day is excellent and well performed. Makes a nice change from tedious songs like Elevation.
U2 - War
Album 328: Go Girl Crazy!
An unbearable imitation of Gary Glitter.
The Dictators - Go Girl Crazy
Album 489: Dare!
From an era where instruments would suddenly change sound because cheap capacitors would burn out, a great album where you can feel the band playing with the rules. Sometimes the experiments fail, but the overall sound is much better. Definitely not the one hit wonder that Don't you want me? might suggest.
Dare! - The Human League
Friday, 14 October 2011
Album 258: The Slider
Pleasant but with all the depth of tin foil. Occasionally (Metal Guru) it works, often it just repeats a nice hook to tedium. Are you my main man, are you? The last song asks. Not really.
T-Rex: The Slider
Monday, 10 October 2011
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Album 101: I had too much to dream last night
Album 652: 808:90
I can see why this album is on this list, and Pacific 202 deserves it's place in the breakthrough triad of early 90s dance music singles along with Little Fluffy Clouds and Papua New Guinea. Unfortunately it's a bit dull by comparison with albums by The Orb or Orbital.
808 state: 808:90
Monday, 26 September 2011
Album 345: A night at the opera
Album 45: A girl named Dusty
Some songs I knew, some songs I didnt, all delivered in a beautiful way. Dusty deserves to be known for more than just her contribution to the Pulp Fiction soundtrack.
Dusty Springfield - A girl named Dusty
Album 371: The Stranger
Mostly tedious.
Billy Joel - The Stranger
Album 712: Your Arsenal
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Album 781: Snivilisation
Another album that, in my opinion of course, is not as good as one of its sequels. In this case, in sides and Halcyon are both much better. Certainly there's nothing here as awe inspiring as their reworking of the Doctor Who theme (Doctor?) or as fresh as their breakthrough single Chime. A shame.
Orbital: Snivilisation
Album 505: Pelican West
This band sound like a very poor cousin of at least a dozen new wave bands, however Ive never heard them on an 80s compilation. There are very good reasons for that.
Haircut 100: Pelican West
Album 206: If only I could remember my name
Album 806: Timeless
Saturday, 24 September 2011
Album 484: Architecture and Morality
Album 538: Purple Rain
Friday, 23 September 2011
Album 463: The Ace of Spades
70s metal infused with the speed and frenzy of punk. Every song as intense as the overplayed title track. Very enjoyable.
Monday, 19 September 2011
Great North Run: Memories
- Members of the public offering out random foodstuffs.
- The children offering their hands for Hi-5s
- The quasi-football chants echoing through the concrete underpasses in Newcastle
- The changing landscape: Urban to industrial estate to retail park to suburban to high street to beach
- Having someone step on my shoe, pulling it off, as we were walking to the start
- The costumed, overheating after 2 miles, walking with costumes unzipped.
- A red arrow skimming the sea. I missed the main displays, starting too far back to see anything past the initial flyover and finishing too late to see anything but the last elements of the final display.
- As someone near me said "the restful pitter-patter, like raindrops" as our footsteps echoed back from the city buildings
- Hunting, like the guy behind me and the girl in front, through the goodie bag unsure of where the medal was. I was sure it was in there somewhere, they weren't sure at all.
- Scenes identical to Monty Python's Marathon for the Incontinent throughout.
- Being startled by the number of Steel Bands there are on Tyneside
- Sprinting from the final turn to the finish (as I couldn't see it from then), and then having to go back over the finish line to recover my baseball cap (which served very well to keep the sunshine out of my eyes at 2 miles and then kept the torrential rain out of my eyes at 7 miles), as it had blown off.
Great North Run: Initial Datacrunching
Friday, 16 September 2011
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Album 810: Better living through chemistry
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Cold calling charities
Monday, 12 September 2011
Album 495: The Visitors
The final ABBA studio album, a very tired affair. Tired music, tired style and apparently tired of each other. At best a pale imitation of Goldfrapp's Head First.
ABBA - The Visitors
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Album 158: Kick out the Jams
Album 214: Live at the Fillmore East
Album 458: Fresh fruit for rotting vegetables
Album 307: Autobahn
Sunday, 4 September 2011
Album 62: Pet Sounds
The entire album sounds sugar coated, even the Sloop John B sounds performed with big smiles on their faces.
Perhaps this is genuinely how California felt 45 years ago, but these songs "say nothing to me about my life".
Pet Sounds: The Beach Boys
Saturday, 3 September 2011
Album 618: Green
Album 271: (Pronounced 'Lĕh-'nérd 'Skin-'nérd)
Friday, 2 September 2011
Album 273: Aladdin Sane
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Album 770: Smash
Album 279: Berlin
Monday, 29 August 2011
Album 496: The Lexicon of Love
Album 593: Music for the Masses
The first new album from this 1001 album list that Ive really wanted to go back and listen to again. And again. And again.
Ive heard most of depeche mode's singles and played violator to death as a student. But this is the first time Ive heard this masterpiece of menacing beauty.
Depeche Mode - Music for the Masses
Album 833: Antichrist Superstar
A foolish choice. If the authors wanted a token album by the 90s Alice Cooper, then the later album Mechanical Animals does a much better range of this band's style of shock industrial goth than this shoutfest that has little to commend it than the breakthrough single, the beautiful people.
Marilyn Manson - Antichrist Superstar
Album 956: Stripped
An album that belongs on no greatest list. This is the sound of X factor relating stories off Jerry Springer. Dire well before you get to drrrty (spelling indeterminate). She has a voice, but what she does with it isnt worth the bandwidth.
Stripped: Christina Aguilera
1/10 - this album brought us the song beautiful, the magnificence of which has nothing to do with Christina.
Friday, 26 August 2011
Album 830: Second toughest in the infants
Album 71: Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Album 814 : Odelay
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Album 96: Surrealistic Pillow
Album 508: Thriller
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Album 822:Oedipus Schmoedipus
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Album 10: Brilliant Corners
Album 823: Come find yourself
It used to be a cliché that albums were a few singles with a few boring songs to pad it out to 12 inches of vinyl. Fun Lovin' Criminals reverse that. The single that was played to death for ten years or so - Scooby Snacks- is easily the weakest track on this, their debut album. Their eponymous opening track, also a single at the time is more indicative of their mix of hip hop and alt rock.
Album 14: This is Little Richard
Two decent songs, but the rest sound like remixes. I know this was the era where the 12 bar blues was law, but there's not enough variation or development to sustain interest.
Sunday, 14 August 2011
Album 828: Murder Ballads
1001 albums experiment: Update
Album:9: The Atomic Mr Basie
Album 8: The chirpin crickets
Im not sure if this counts as throwaway bubblegum pop. If it does, then its the sort of throwaway thing that is rightfully collected in museums as examples of the beauty of previous ages.
Album 826: Everything must go
Album 7: Songs for Swinging Lovers
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Album 6: Duke Ellington at Newport
I don't like jazz but, fair enough, this is quality stuff. Its not the clichéd music I've suffered before, this is an authentic live sound from the fifties.
Not entirely sure why he's in Wales, but a jazz fan would love this.
Album 746: Modern life is rubbish
Album 824: Maxwell's Urban Hangsuite
Bloody Awful.
Friday, 12 August 2011
Album 825 Tellin' Stories
Fourth album from a Madchester band that wasnt from Manchester and here are sounding very like another great almost-Manchester band of the nineties - The Stone Roses - only nowhere near as good.
Gone is the quirky nature of The Only One I know and Wierdo, instead an attempt at a sub-Paul Weller credible rock. One to another remains a decent song, but otherwise its an album a half dozen bands could have done better.
Album 827: Walking Wounded
Album 5: This is Fats Domino
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Album 4: the WILDEST!
Nearly everyone's heard Louis Prima sing. Yes, you have. No? He's the "King of Swingers" and the voice of King Louie (cunning character name there, Walt) who sings I wanna be like you in Disney's The Jungle Book.
This album is genuine big band swing stuff and it's really quite good. My 21st century ears know this sort of music from the likes of Robbie Williams's vanity project or Mambo number 5.
So whilst its not my sort of thing really, this is an album that stands out as an example of how great Swing can be.
Louis Prima – The Wildest! 6.5/10
Album 3: Tragic Songs of Life
Album 2: Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley's debut album is pleasant enough to 21st century ears. I doubt Id ever listen to it again, as its not my sort of thing. The generalised warbling is off-putting but otherwise its an ok piece of 50s rock and roll. Blue suede shoes is the best thing on, and is much better than you remember it being after many many plays and imitations. Theres nothing to challenge his later classics, Suspicious Minds being my favourites
Debut album are always interesting, being a flavour of what theyre like before being part of the music industry conditions you.
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
1001 Albums: Album 1
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
1001 Albums experiment
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Health Professionals on Twitter
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
Having my cake and eating Apple: Music withme review
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Tonight's Kev's Sunday Night Pop Quiz
- Take me to Chicago San Francisco Bay take me to New York I'd love to see LA.
- I got my head down when I was young it's not my problem it's not my problem
- Wednesday morning at five o'clock as the day begins silently closing her bedroom door
- He was a punk and she did ballet what more can I say?
- All right stop collaborate and listen ice is back with my brand new invention
- oh no, not again I'm stuck with a valuable friend I'm happy hope you're happy too
- The Mid-West farmer's daughters really make you feel alright and the Northern girls with the way they kiss
- I've got two tickets to Iron Maiden baby come with me Friday, don't say maybe
- I wanna roll with him a hard pair we will be a little gambling is fun when you're with me, I love it
- We're leaving together but still it's farewell and maybe we'll come back to earth, who can tell?
Friday, 1 April 2011
Hallo wieder Twitter
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Is twitter a game?
I'm currently having a break from Twitter. For various reasons, my energy level is significantly reduced; so I'm turning down the quantity of inputs. Not that I dont still value all the people and great content on there, but when youre saving 15 links to ReadItLater every day, it can get a bit much.
One of the recent links I found interesting was an analysis on how Farmville seems directly constructed to take advantage of people's Sunk Cost Fallacy. This cognitive bias features when people don't let go of what they've already irretrievably lost and make bad decisions not on what's best for them now and in the future. Gamblers who've lost a million and keep going to try to win it back, countries that continue wars based on old and irrelevant grudges.
This made me wonder: Is twitter a game? Is getting followers and #FFs a score? Could getting retweeted by Stephen Fry be the equivalent of gaining an Elite ranking? Certainly webapps like Klout talk in terms of scores for various achievements.
I think maybe not, but certainly there's a gaming aspect which game theory could probably explain. Perhaps its the game of celebrity, of being noticed and influential. Perhaps its the game of being given your own radio station, and its a competition for market share and syndication (RTs)
What do you think?
Sunday, 27 March 2011
Auf wiedersehen Twitter
Dont know if anyone will notice or care, but Im off Twitter until further notice.
Monday, 21 March 2011
"I am prepared to complain"
How many times has this been retweeted: 'Japanese nuclear worker on the news: "I am prepared to die to avoid meltdown." Say it with me--I will not complain about my job today'.
You're all missing the point. Most people complain about their job because they feel them to be mediocre and insignificant. There's no heroism in spreadsheets and daily TPS reports.
Yet this guy is a hero. He has a higher calling, the safety of his community. He has the skills to deliver. He has the respect of his peers, who trust him to do his best and he will not disappoint them. He has a mission and the knowledge that should he lose his life now, he will die gloriously.
How many people's jobs will be glorious today? Isnt that worth complaining about?
Sunday, 20 March 2011
Saturday, 19 March 2011
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
What I meant to write about Japan
Being secure in life is impossible, but being secure in your own insecurity and mortality isn't. It's the latter that allows you to become a happier person, and paradoxically, more secure in yourself."