Random Thoughts that are too big for 140 character Tweets

Random thoughts that are too big for 140 character tweets

Friday, 1 April 2011

Hallo wieder Twitter

Ok, I wasn't off as long as I thought from Twitter. I forgot that April fools was coming up so, and I recovered from "drinking from the firehose" (as some describe trying to keep up with the torrent of information) faster than I thought.

So I'm back, tweeting away in my own occasionally dim, occasionally dazzling manner. I've culled my following list quite a bit, and I won't be following it as much - so I won't be as annoyingly conversationalist as before, which might be a good thing.

Thanks to everyone who sent nice messages wondering if I was ill and hoping I'd come back. I'm fine, or at least as fine as I ever was, and I'm back where I always was: here.

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