Random Thoughts that are too big for 140 character Tweets

Random thoughts that are too big for 140 character tweets

Monday, 21 March 2011

"I am prepared to complain"

How many times has this been retweeted: 'Japanese nuclear worker on the news: "I am prepared to die to avoid meltdown." Say it with me--I will not complain about my job today'.

You're all missing the point. Most people complain about their job because they feel them to be mediocre and insignificant. There's no heroism in spreadsheets and daily TPS reports.

Yet this guy is a hero. He has a higher calling, the safety of his community. He has the skills to deliver. He has the respect of his peers, who trust him to do his best and he will not disappoint them. He has a mission and the knowledge that should he lose his life now, he will die gloriously.

How many people's jobs will be glorious today? Isnt that worth complaining about?

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