Random Thoughts that are too big for 140 character Tweets

Random thoughts that are too big for 140 character tweets

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Giving up twitter for lent

On a whim, Ive decided to give up twitter for lent. So until Maundy Thursday or Easter Sunday (have to check when 40 days is up) that means

1) no checking timeline
2) no responding to mentions (@'s)
3) no posting tweets

I will still get notifications of direct messages and read/reply these though (in case of urgency/importance).

Why? Well to see. It's not like I'm dropping social media - all other channels are fully open (should still be a link from my profile to my about.me page). However, twitter is definitely a habit and one should always explore what habits are doing to you.

And the irony of this blogpost being automatically set up to generate a tweet is a) allowed b) done with full knowledge of it's irony.

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