Let me explain what we're on about here. We're trying to think up good films that satisfy both people that want chick flicks (such as Mrs KevFrost) and decent Sci-fi films (such as Mr KevFrost), ideally combining the two genres in equal, yet non-clashing amounts.
So, we're wanting a film that features people reacting to a change in science or technology - I believe this was Isaac Asimov's definition of Science Fiction - normally this would be people in the here-and-now, or people with whom we can associate; dealing with a situation and conflict that arises when a new development occurs. 2001, for example, deals with the discovery of alien artifacts and their impact on the humans that discover them.
And we're also wanting a film that deals with people's emotional relationships with each other. That's the best definition I can think up in 15 seconds. Perhaps someone has a better definition, feel free to let me have it.
So to go back to The Time-Traveller's Wife, does this work as a Sci-Fi-Chick-Flick? Not really. Certainly it's got the Chick Flick aspects. It's a great story about a couple who's love endures the husband's tendency to wander in time. And there's aspects of science-fiction, but the film focuses heavilly (and rightly) on the impact to the wife of the complexity and uncertainties this situation brings. There's no real exploration of why or how the man is unstuck in time - so it's more Fantasy-Chick-Flick.
My suggestion for a recent Sci-Fi-Chick-Flick is Inception. Leave aside for a moment the aspect that everyone focuses on, the complexity of the dreams within dreams story. Let's consider instead the main drivers for the 2 protagonists of the story. Leonardo DiCaprio's character's aim is to be reunited with his children, and to do this he needs to face his feelings about his ex-wife (deliberately trying to avoid spoilers :) ) while Cillan Murphy's character is trying to resolve his feelings about his failed relationship with his dying father.
Now to me this is a considerable departure from the usual Science Fiction protagonist, who is usually a lone male without emotional entanglements. Yes, Captain Kirk had his women - but did he ever shed tears over them? Where people did have families, they rarely affected the plot, for example 2001's Heywood Floyd makes a video call to wish his daughter happy birthday made a nice touch to round out his personality, but didn't really add anything to the film.
So, internet hive mind, what other films which satisfy both the desire for credible science fiction and mushy chick flick? Comments below or tweet me at @kevfrost . So far we've suggestions of:
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (perfect example - an invention to disentangle you from the emotional fall-out of a broken relationship and how it impacts on the heroes)
- Avatar
- Terminator (probably more on the sci-fi than the chick flick - although the love between Sarah and Kyle is crucial to the plot in terms of Sarah's character development and the creation of John)
- Serenity (one married couple, two pairs of people that should be couples if they were thinking straight, a gang of friends)
- Armageddon
- Blade Runner (although I think the number of murders makes it a definite non-chickflick)
- Gattacca
- Logan's Run
- Wall-E
- The Fountain
- Vanilla Sky
- X-files: Fight the future
- Contact (we need more films about female scientists willing to challenge their governments!)
Disallowed entries
- Solaris.
I'll admit I haven't seen either version, but my understanding is that it's ambigious as to whether it's the cosmonaut's dead wife's ghost, an alien communicating via her image or him going insane. Can't see this being classed as a chick flick. - E.T.
Although it comes from a time before chickflicks, I don't accept that this can be considered one. Forgetting the Sci-Fi it's the tale of a boy who's lost his Dad (as a result of parent's divorce) and friends (moved to a new home) and finds a friend who's lost everyone it's ever known. So it's a tale of overcoming alienation through finding others like you and so could be considered a humourous buddy film - definitely not a chickflick. - Pitch Black
Testosterone 9/10, oestrogen 1/10. Yes, there's character development and good interactions between the survivors but the chemistry between Riddick and Jack hardly drives the film in a soppy direction.
Entries received with thanks from @Jedem_das_Seine, @mrrichpearson,@Jenny_Drew,@siobhanfarmer, @davidhiles, @Shivlar84, @shiftrunstop and @enemyofchaos.
Agree? Disagree? Got ideas? Let me know.
(Last edit 19:08, 22/11/2010)
Just looking down your list - yeah, Vanilla Sky seems to me the perfect example!
ReplyDeleteAnd Jodie Foster's "Contact", surely?
Many thanks Enemy of Chaos, as always looking forward to your next podcast