Random Thoughts that are too big for 140 character Tweets

Random thoughts that are too big for 140 character tweets

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Album 156: The Band

They have beards. It's just the sort of music you can imagine men with beards like that made at the end of the 60s. You couldn't have a beard like that if you were doing folk or prog-rock or glam or any of the other music the early 70s were known for. Even the Beatles didn't have beards like that in '69.

If you're going to call your band that name, you'd better have better tunes than this.

The Band – The Band

Advent Avatar

One day late, I've decided to do something for Advent. Of course, it's weird being an
atheist doing anything vaguely associated with the coming of The Christ; but if Christians can recycle the germanic fertility festival of Eostre as a celebration of resurrection - why not?

Anyways each of the days leading up to Christmas, I'm changing my Twitter avatar to that of a character or historical figure who has, in some way, influenced me. I'd struggle to call them either heroes or role models, because often they're not; but I am who I am because of how their life has made a gravity well through which my life has tumbled through like a comet stumbling through the social universe with little more than an ability to make convoluted metaphors and write sentences that go on on and on until they are stopped in a way that seems more like a mercy killing than a conclusion.

Still with me? Good, here's the people so far:

December 1: I hadn't thought of this yet
December 2: Oscar Wilde, a genius of the Victorian age before being crushed by it's dark side.

December 3: Eric Blair, an author who saw clearly

December 4th: Matt Stone and Trey Parker - Cultural commentators and comic writers.

December 5th: Ada Lovelace - Computer Programmer

December 6th:
Neal Stephenson: Author and Technology Writer. Second Life is based on one of his books.

December 7th: Linus Torvalds - Father of Linux


December 8th: Emmeline Pankhurst - Political Activist

December 9th: Groucho Marx - Iconoclast

December 10th: Douglas Adams - Philosopher

December 11th: Christa McAuliffe - teacher and almost astronaut

December 12th: Edgar Allen Poe - Tortured soul and birdwatcher

December 13th - Alan Turing. A great warrior.

December 14th - Isaac Asimov.

December 15th: William Blake - an old romantic.

December 16th: Number 6 - "a free man"

December 17th: John Peel - supporter of youth culture

December 18th: Terry Pratchett - author

December 19th: MC Escher - imaginer of the impossible

December 20th: Eleanor Roosevelt - Human Rights Champion

December 21st: Johnny Marr - Musician and Diplomat of Divas

December 22nd: Sam Lowry (from the film: Brazil) - dreamer in a world of nightmares.

December 23rd: Steven Spielberg: Creator of Films

December 24th: Bill Hicks: Legendary Comedian